Would you consider giving an extra donation to Ukraine so that we can take on these children’s needs?
Greetings. An update on our partners in Ukraine.
One of the Orphan’s First board members, Jack Byers, used to be a missionary in Ukraine. He and our friend Rodger recently visited Poland to help the Ukrainian refugees. Jack told us that there are many displaced orphans and while the Polish are generously doing all they can, there is a need for food. Orphans First would like to help as much as possible without withholding funds from our other ministries (India, Mexico). So, here is where you come in.
Send your support to orphansfirst.org and mention Ukraine. If you are already a supporter, we are asking for “extra” support. Consider asking friends in your circle to donate also.
All donations are tax-deductible. Note “FOR UKRAINE” at checkout.
Donate to UkraineThank you.
Janey DeMeo